Cheese & Beer - now that's something you don't usually find paired together in a sentence or for your palate. Well, Janet Fletcher, author of the book Cheese & Beer is paving the way for a new type of tasting - craft beers paired with cheeses that complement them. Here is a sneak peak of one of the first guides ever to do such a pairing.
San Diego has become well known for it's craft beer scene, being home to over 50 local breweries - Blind Lady Ale House, Belching Beaver, Hillcrest Brewing Company, (soon to open in North Park) Hess Brewing, and Thorn Street Brewery, just to name a few that are our close neighbors or are in North Park. But there's are many more, like one of our favorites, Stone Brewing Co. in Escondido - you can check out the full list here. We San Diegans are quite spoiled with excellent beers. So, come join us at our new space (that's right! We've moved - to the corner of 30th Street and North Park Way) on Thursday May 30th for a book signing with Janet Fletcher (author of Cheese & Beer) and of course for some tasty cheeses and beer (provided by Bottle Craft. Thank you!!!). You can pick up a copy of the book in-store, or order one online here. Hope to see you there. Otherwise, cheers to cheese and beer; something we here at Pigment love, and together? --- even better!